Monday, October 17, 2011

What's beyond your door?

"I could see Ida's house in the distance, and it was always refreshing to me; just the sight of it made me breathe a little easier.  I knew that beyond her door judgment rested its case and peace came easy."

This is a passage from a book I just finished called The Miracle of Mercy Land and Mercy, the main character, is talking about her Aunt Ida's house.  How great to have a door like that to walk through.  I think we all could use a door like that.  A place where judgment rests its case and peace comes easy.

I'm thinking of doors and people in my life.  How grateful I am to have them.

Then I think how great it would be to actually be that door for someone else.   To be the door that puts someone at ease.  Then I think....... what do people feel when they come through my door or come into my presence.  Does peace come easy?

Now, I know there are situations and relationships that require judgments of one kind or another but still, for those that don't and  for the times that don't, especially difficult times,  times when someone is struggling, times when difficult conversations need to happen, does my presence, or the anticipation of it, increase or decrease the likelihood of "peace" for that person? Do they "breathe a little easier" knowing they're coming to my door?

And then I started thinking about  what kind of behavior would create an environment of peace and ease. Well one important part is right there in the passage:  "judgment rests its case"  Rest the judgment.

What else?

Not taking things personal

I do alot of thinking at wine o'clock.

What do you think?


Shelly Beson said...

My favorite post ever!!

Anonymous said...

this is a very great blog.
i am proud to be a part of your whole life....
from birth and forever
thank you