Monday, August 23, 2010

"What's the end game?"

So I've been thinking about expanding the "viewability" of this blog and I was getting close to just making it open so anyone who wanted to read could; I mean really, how many people would be interested in reading it anyway! So I was getting brave and getting close to opening it up when I asked someone what they thought. This person said well "What's the end game?" I said, "There isn't an end game." Well what's the point of it? are you connecting it to your work? or anything? I said no. It's personal. Nothing to do with work. Then what's it about? and what's the point of doing it if you don't put it out there?

This got me to thinking why am I doing it? Why does anyone do it? Some to promote their business or to give information or create a business.

Some say it's about a need for validation, or Ego or the Freudian "id"That sounds bad!

So far for me it's just been thoughts, kind of like a journal but usually journals are kept private.

So I've been thinking about this.

For me I think it's about connection and sharing.

Sharing of thoughts, music, feelings- anything and what it's all like at "wineoclock" uninhibited and loopy! Also, maybe validation, but sharing and validation require replies and comments and more thoughts than mine and since I only have two people who can read it that's not happening too much.


Maybe I could open it up and have additional authors that can post their wineoclock thoughts.

I don't know. Even now it's hard for me to click "post"

1 comment:

Shelly Beson said...

It's quintessentially woman!!! Thinking, talking and sharring is what we do. It helps. I have friends that would love to see your writings. Just do it.

Love you, shelly