So I've been reading a book called "Love without conditions" by Paul Ferrini. Is it weird, serendipitous, or an answer to prayer that I had been struggling and I "stumbled" on this book in the course of my daily activities? There was a statement on the front page of the book from a name I recognized from my psychology classes in collage.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. "The most important books I have read. I study them like a Bible."
There is so much in this book. I will have to read again. Here are just a few exerts:
Each of us has a tiny spark of light that illuminates the darkness of our unconsciousness. this is the divine spark of awareness which keeps our connection with God alive.
Love is stronger than fear. Do not underestimate the degree to which your world is created out of fear.
Judgment falls away, acceptance rules.
Cause and Effect are not linear and sequential. They manifest simultaneously. They are circular in nature. Not only does cause determine effect, but effect determines cause.
Relinquishing Effort:
If you want to understand what happens in your life, stop giving it your own meaning. Let the situation be. Feel it fully. Allow it to teach you why it has come into your life. If you want to come right to the center of it, ask "how does this situation help me learn to love more fully? What does it ask me to give that I am still withholding?'
Two very insightful questions! Most recently my answer to the second question was acceptance.